Honey Bun shaved his mustache and Sweet Pea seems to still recognize him--I was worried.
Back to the sleeping problem, we are always going back to the sleeping problem, This child has always had sleeping problems, or is it her mother that creates sleeping problems?
I think I have created a monster child. She won't sleep by herself. It is cold and her room is colder than the rest of the house, so I started bringing her to my bed when she woke up to eat in the middle of the night...that started getting earlier and earlier and over the holidays instead of fighting her, I just slept with her. And now that we are home again she wants to sleep with mom. Honey Bun is not happy with that arrangement, but I am not ready for the crying--and it IS cold. So right now, mom wins...if having baby in the bed is really winning. We go to the doctor on Friday, and I will ask her what she recommends.
Won't she grow up fast enough anyway? And right now she is very snuggly.