I am a planner. I have my calendar and I plan my weekends for travel, fun, family and obligation. My folks travel alot and I usually see them someplace other than their house. Actually I have not been to their house in a year, I am embarrassed to say. I have been yearning to go home, to sleep in my grandmother's old bed, eat oatmeal and drink my father's coffee. And I wanted to take Sweet Pea to stay at her grandma's. Even if traveling is hard, sleeping is hard and eating is hard with a 14 month old child. I had it all planned for next weekend including using a vacation day for travel.
Then an old, old friend of Honey Bun's called. He is getting married. In 3 weeks. In the same town that my parents live in. So that makes 2 long drives, lots of gas money and stress in weekends back to back. Do I cancel my personal trip home with daugther and without husband?
With state of the economy I hate to spend extra money. I think hard times are coming and I need to get my credit cards paid off and work real hard not to charge Christmas purchases. I am a horrible saver and I also just spent money on clothes for myself(and still feeling guilty about it) In my mind, I could just charge the gas and make the trips. But again I need to be saving and we will be traveling home for Thanksgiving and to the in-laws for Christmas. In the next week, I will have to brew on this issue and make a decision that I am comfortable with.
loving life and tackling married life and parenthood while I am still young enough to enjoy it.
Friday, September 26, 2008
charcoal, my love
Honey Buns favorite kind/brand of charcoal is only sold at the grocery store.
And I know you all heard that the grocery store is closing, panic ensues at my house. I bought 4olbs of charcoal last night--4 bags was all they had. And both the manager and the local priest asked me about my purchase. I know I looked strange, a lady with a shopping cart loaded with charcoal, both wondered if there was a huge cook-out that they were missing. I told them with the store closing, this would give me enough time to find another store that sold his favorite charcoal. Honey Buns thinks our supply will last till Christmas.
BTW...favorite charcoal is Best Choice natural lump.
And I know you all heard that the grocery store is closing, panic ensues at my house. I bought 4olbs of charcoal last night--4 bags was all they had. And both the manager and the local priest asked me about my purchase. I know I looked strange, a lady with a shopping cart loaded with charcoal, both wondered if there was a huge cook-out that they were missing. I told them with the store closing, this would give me enough time to find another store that sold his favorite charcoal. Honey Buns thinks our supply will last till Christmas.
BTW...favorite charcoal is Best Choice natural lump.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
horror of horrors
Word on the street is our grocery store is closing. Walmart will be our only in-town option for food, drink and everything grocery. Most of you know that I was boycotting Walmart, before I moved here. Anyone got advice on online grocery shopping? How does it work and is it cost effective?
Monday, September 22, 2008
the things He says...
Sometimes Honey Buns amazes even me.
Friday we opted to have Pizza and Wings and I volunteered to go pick it up. As I was leaving...
HB: Wait, I have to go to the bathroom
me: What?
HB: I have to go to the bathroom, what do I do with Sweet Pea when you leave?
me: take her inside with you and go to the bathroom, she will be fine.
Friday we opted to have Pizza and Wings and I volunteered to go pick it up. As I was leaving...
HB: Wait, I have to go to the bathroom
me: What?
HB: I have to go to the bathroom, what do I do with Sweet Pea when you leave?
me: take her inside with you and go to the bathroom, she will be fine.
He's here
My brother had his baby! Saturday 9/20 at 6-ish pm. 8lbs 8oz 22in
The new dad is very proud and mother and baby are fine. Will try to post photos of Sweet Pea and her new cousin later this week. Sweet Pea didn't think much of the new baby and really didn't want her mom holding that baby. She inched and inched closer to me while I was holding him. We went to the hospital yesterday to see the new little guy. He is a looker!
The new dad is very proud and mother and baby are fine. Will try to post photos of Sweet Pea and her new cousin later this week. Sweet Pea didn't think much of the new baby and really didn't want her mom holding that baby. She inched and inched closer to me while I was holding him. We went to the hospital yesterday to see the new little guy. He is a looker!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Who knew?
For about a week, I have been thinking, wondering, worrying, avoiding and contemplating milk. Sweet Pea is going to whole milk, we tried this about 3 month ago and it was a huge failure. She didn't do well and her diaper was always full and her tummy was always rumbly. So we went back to formula. It is going good, she is doing good with the whole milk. Daycare lady has a HS senior and he drinks raw milk from a local dairy. She(daycare lady) has given Sweet Pea this raw milk and then tells me that she(SP) likes it and refuses the store bought milk. While I am processing this, I agree to get a gallon from the dairy also to give to SP.
At this point you can probably see that I am easily bullied by Daycare lady. But I know she loves my child and would do nothing to harm her and I too would bully someone that was just standing and staring, which is how I often look in her presence.
Back to the story
Raw milk...straight from the dairy...unpasturized milk...is this good? I brew on this about a week, but continue to give her the milk.
While talking to Daycare lady I deduct that she is cooking the milk for around 30 minutes in a double boiler. At home I research...as any good librarian should...and figure out that...it takes that long to pasturize milk at home. Then she puts it back in the fridge and my child is drinking it.
SO..........turns out that I am the only one that is feeding SP unpasturized milk. Who Knew?!
Note for you concerned about this: I am no longer feeding it to her and I reminded Daycare lady that SP can not drink the raw milk unless she cooks it for 30 min first...or she has to feed her store bought milk.
Also for those of you who think you know it all: SP has suffered no ill effects of the raw milk because she only drinks about 10oz for me daily. And in spite of me has started meowing like a cat and barking like a dog and can identify many body parts(nose, eye, hair, ear, mouth, teeth, foot, toe, tummy)
And one more thing: I have started researching vitamins, since she is off the formula and on her mother's cooking.
At this point you can probably see that I am easily bullied by Daycare lady. But I know she loves my child and would do nothing to harm her and I too would bully someone that was just standing and staring, which is how I often look in her presence.
Back to the story
Raw milk...straight from the dairy...unpasturized milk...is this good? I brew on this about a week, but continue to give her the milk.
While talking to Daycare lady I deduct that she is cooking the milk for around 30 minutes in a double boiler. At home I research...as any good librarian should...and figure out that...it takes that long to pasturize milk at home. Then she puts it back in the fridge and my child is drinking it.
SO..........turns out that I am the only one that is feeding SP unpasturized milk. Who Knew?!
Note for you concerned about this: I am no longer feeding it to her and I reminded Daycare lady that SP can not drink the raw milk unless she cooks it for 30 min first...or she has to feed her store bought milk.
Also for those of you who think you know it all: SP has suffered no ill effects of the raw milk because she only drinks about 10oz for me daily. And in spite of me has started meowing like a cat and barking like a dog and can identify many body parts(nose, eye, hair, ear, mouth, teeth, foot, toe, tummy)
And one more thing: I have started researching vitamins, since she is off the formula and on her mother's cooking.
Friday, September 12, 2008
We be clean!
Cleaning girl did a great job and well worth the money.(since this time I took it out of Honey Bun's acct) I think the hardest part of actually having a cleaning girl is picking everything up and putting it away so she can actually clean. The bed was covered with clothes(clean and dirty) that were on the floor and toys were piled on the futon...just so she could run the vacuum. I ran home to let her in and spent the next 15 minutes running around the house picking stuff up, changing the bag in the vacuum and getting out all the cleaning stuffs.( because now I store it up high, so Sweet Pea doesn't guzzle down the poisons) I swear the cleaning girl just watched me thinking I was a crazy lady...and I totally am--but a crazy lady with a clean house! And Honey Bun even commented that the house looked great. Believe it or not! He noticed! Which either means...1. it really looked bad OR 2. it really looked good. I am leaning toward #2 because it makes me feel better.
We are surviving the rain. Games scheduled for this weekend, I expect will be canceled. We will know today if we are traveling to games or staying home. Cross your fingers that the games will happen, because I got shopping planned and will feel guilty enough to cancel and stay home if Honey Bun is home.
We are surviving the rain. Games scheduled for this weekend, I expect will be canceled. We will know today if we are traveling to games or staying home. Cross your fingers that the games will happen, because I got shopping planned and will feel guilty enough to cancel and stay home if Honey Bun is home.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The problem
The problem with having someone clean your house is...Now when I walk around the messes, I think "I wonder when someone is going to clean this place up?" Cleaning girl comes today and we are ready!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
her own space
Sweet Pea refuses to sit in the highchair, she needs her own space. We got a small table and chairs from my sister and put it in the kitchen. Right now, she loves it. Big girl with her own chair and everything. Look how grown up she is. Not sure how long it will last...but we are enjoying a fight free evening meal.
I sneaked up on her to take this one. The lighting is not good, but you can see that she is using her silverware and everything. She doesn't throw food at her table or eat like a monkey.
new room
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
uneventful events
Our holiday weekend...uneventful. Just stayed home to avoid travel and upsetting schedules. The whole point was to rest and relax and I am not sure that happened, but we gave it a try. I have been doping her with motrin, tylenol and ora-gel for the teeth and we try to get a whole nights sleep. She is not eating much if anything, I am attributing that to the teeth and her independent attitude. (doesn't want to sit in the highchair, doesn't want Mom to feed her, doesn't want this, doesn't want that.)
2 dry diapers yesterday and she even ran into the bathroom on her own AND used the potty. I was so proud. But today whole different story(woke up wet and refused to even sit on the potty) So we continue our no pressure potty training approach.
Sweet Pea is gabbering tons and Honey Bun trys to figure out what she is trying to say. I just keep a running conversation with her. She follows directions well and when we were trying to get out of the house this morning I was shreaking "Mom needs shoes" and running around wildly...guess who brought me shoes. Yes, it was Sweet Pea! and they matched and they were perfect for my outfit. Maybe she has a future in fashion?
2 dry diapers yesterday and she even ran into the bathroom on her own AND used the potty. I was so proud. But today whole different story(woke up wet and refused to even sit on the potty) So we continue our no pressure potty training approach.
Sweet Pea is gabbering tons and Honey Bun trys to figure out what she is trying to say. I just keep a running conversation with her. She follows directions well and when we were trying to get out of the house this morning I was shreaking "Mom needs shoes" and running around wildly...guess who brought me shoes. Yes, it was Sweet Pea! and they matched and they were perfect for my outfit. Maybe she has a future in fashion?
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