They said she would start showing normal behavior and she has...she has been throwing a fit pretty regularly now. Which is such a relief (didn't think I would ever say that) but she was so listless before and so sick! We still have a little drippy nose, but otherwise nothing like last week. I am so happy with the whole thing. Honey Buns is sick and we are putting off our holiday travel till tomorrow when I am hoping that he will feel better. The antibiotics should be working then. He has a big fat sinus infection. I totally told him that it was a sinus infection and he said that he was 'fighting' it and didn't need to go to the doctor...till I told him I wasn't taking him home to see his parents for Christmas, because he looks like ass. And we were not driving all the way over there so he can give them his illness and how much fun was he going to have if he was just going to lay in bed the whole time he was there, that he could do that here and save the gas. He decided that maybe he should see the doctor (Hello, it is christmas eve...I am so lucky they were able to get us in and I am so glad that they were working today. because neither of us are and I told everyone in the clinic how much I appreciated they were working today) We got the prescription filled and should be ready for the long weekend.
The only thing is I was not planning on being here for Christmas, so I don't really have much food in the house and I refuse to make one more trip to we are just eating what we have.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!