Friday, January 28, 2011

Chef Sweet Pea

We get home from pre-school yesterday and I ask her if she wants a snack.
SP: Yes
Me: Shall we make cookies?
SP: How about cupcakes?
Me: OK, we can do that.
SP: Well, let's get to baking! You be Chef Mommy, I will be Chef Sweet Pea!

Times like these, they make it all worth it.

of special note**
I took the afternoon off to spend time with her because she wasn't feeling too good
Because of this I got to take a little extra time at drop off to meet her school friends
My daughter knows the pledge of allegiance
I made apple cinnamon muffins, which we iced and put sprinkles on.
She licked the frosting off of 3 muffins, I ate 2, her dad ate 1.
Muffin mix is on the shopping list, in case we have another cupcake emergency!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow...beautiful snow

We have our first snow of the season. It is such a beautiful fluffy snow. Just the right kind, no ice, just wonderful white snow.

Sweet Pea woke up to the whiteness and squealed. (I told you it was beautiful!)
We got her dressed for the day and she wanted to wear her boots. I let her go out the front door so she could walk around the house on the sidewalk to the garage. I walked through the house to grab my purse and stuff to get to the garage, start the car and we would go to daycare and work after.

As I am walking through the kitchen I look out the window and there is Sweet Pea in the middle of the yard, covered in snow. She ran to the garage with pink cheeks.

I was late to work. But more importantly...I was living the moment. We laughed and giggled and threw some snow. And I dare anyone to say that those 10 minutes of my work day that I missed were more important than the pink cheeks.

Because to this Mom...those cheeks are the only thing that matters.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

lesson in semantics

I went to the exercise class. Still got a headache, but I went to the class. It was interesting...but I am going to go back...and going to finish the 6 weeks. I am going to do it!

But I learned A LOT. Honey Buns is a wonderful man. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about how great he is. But...his idea of support is much much different than mine. He said...go ahead and take the class I will support you any way I can.

That was where the confusion started!

My idea of "I will support you any way I can"...
dinner--figure out what to cook, cook it and serve it.
kitchen--after said dinner, put those dishes in the dishwasher, generally clean up messes that occured while making said dinner.
daughter--keep her happy.

His idea of "I will support you any way I can"...
I will feed myself with leftovers out of the fridge.

And that was it.

I came home after working and sweating for an hour to a whining child that wanted to wait for her mother to was a disaster.

New Plan for Thursday: Crock pot dinner that will be served and cleaned up before my 6pm class and then they can both sit in front of their respective T.V. sets for an hour while I am sweating.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am resistant to the term New Year's Resolutions and prefer to use goals. I try to set new goals each time I feel the need for them. Here are some of mine for this year.

1. Menu planning and weekly shopping. I managed to do this for 1/2 of last year and it was the best thing ever for myself and my family. I felt like I was less rushed and I knew what was happening at the end of the day. It also forced me into once a week shopping and that saved me tons of money. I was doing daily shopping and that was wasting both time and money. I am going to try and start this up again regular like.

2. Exercise. I have been feeling yucky. Totally yucky. I have frequent headaches almost daily and it is getting to where I dread each day. I don't know if it is stress or something health wise. Because I have been trying to manage my stress, I have been systematically going through my various doctors and haven't had a total physical yet with the GP, but I have talked to the eye dr., allergy dr. and asthma dr. Nothing yet. I am going to try exercise. Hoping that it will help with the stress if the issue is stress, or it will just generally make me feel better. And I might lose some lbs. I am doing a Zumba class and it starts tonight. Kinda excited. It is from 6-7pm which is a crappy time if you have a family and are trying to get dinner on the table...but Honey Buns is supportive and he said he will handle it.

3. My third goal is to do more with my Sweet Pea. I want to play games, go places and do things with her. She is 3 and soon she will be a tween and not really wanting to hang out with her old mom...I need to put housework and other things that I deem important aside in those times when she is available to play.