Wednesday, December 24, 2008

a whole new girl!

Sweet Pea got tubes in her ears on Monday. I was so worried...about the tubes, surgery, her weight loss(she was down to 20lbs), if it would help, the long illness, the surgery, her hearing, her speech, the 75 mile trip to the doctor and tons of other things. But when I looked in her eyes on Sunday afternoon I knew I had to do something.
It worked. She is better.
They sucked out ALOT of junk and said she will be a whole new girl. She slept most of the way home but woke up about 15 miles from the house asking for "fish" crackers. She ate all of those and started crying for more. She proceeded to eat a package of saltine crackers I found in the bottom of the diaper bag. When we got home she ate a whole piece of pumpkin pie and 2 bowls of dry cereal. Then lunch was macaroni and cheese and more pie.

(you see she likes pumpkin pie and I made one to entice her to eat earlier...she would not have anything to do with it. actually she wasn't eating anything for the week prior to the surgery.)

Day care lady said she didn't quit eating all day yesterday. And we made another pie today.

They said she would start showing normal behavior and she has...she has been throwing a fit pretty regularly now. Which is such a relief (didn't think I would ever say that) but she was so listless before and so sick! We still have a little drippy nose, but otherwise nothing like last week. I am so happy with the whole thing. Honey Buns is sick and we are putting off our holiday travel till tomorrow when I am hoping that he will feel better. The antibiotics should be working then. He has a big fat sinus infection. I totally told him that it was a sinus infection and he said that he was 'fighting' it and didn't need to go to the doctor...till I told him I wasn't taking him home to see his parents for Christmas, because he looks like ass. And we were not driving all the way over there so he can give them his illness and how much fun was he going to have if he was just going to lay in bed the whole time he was there, that he could do that here and save the gas. He decided that maybe he should see the doctor (Hello, it is christmas eve...I am so lucky they were able to get us in and I am so glad that they were working today. because neither of us are and I told everyone in the clinic how much I appreciated they were working today) We got the prescription filled and should be ready for the long weekend.

The only thing is I was not planning on being here for Christmas, so I don't really have much food in the house and I refuse to make one more trip to we are just eating what we have.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

dad-daughter round two

Again we see the daughter smarter than the father.

I have been talking about potty training with Honey Bun. What to do with her, what to ask her and what to do when she tells him she has to go. (He is real serious about it all and listening intently and watching the process.)

a few days pass...

Sweet Pea says potty, potty, which Honey Bun doesn't really understand and questions her again and she runs into the bathroom and points at the potty...he gets the message and sits her on the pot...she stares at him...blink, blink...he asks if she is done...she nods yes...he removes her and pulls up her pants...she again points at the potty...where he looks to find...her toothbrush!

He was very put out by the whole incident...which I thought was horribly funny.

Monday, December 8, 2008

hittin' the nail on the head

I have been worrying about Christmas this year, my first real Christmas where I get to be Santa and she gets to open the packages. Last year she was only 5 mo old. I have been worrying that the gift I chose would be something she would want. Something she would play with...

notice she is getting in my buffet with my "good dishes" to find something

And now she is setting the table with the plastic stuff I gave her,
but she demanded that I leave the sugar bowl (near her left hand)
she was drinking out of it.

Pretty sure I hit the nail on the head! She is getting dishes! Won't she be excited!

the bed

I put up the new bed in the living room, since the crib is still in the bedroom. We are trying it out. Still not sure about it, and have been sticking with the crib for night-time...but tonight is the first night we are going for it. Wish us luck!

Friday, December 5, 2008

To all my regular readers I am participating in a contest to win the HP Magic Giveaway which I read on Moosh in Indy. (I just love her views on lots of stuff, and the curly hair on her little moosh is “to die for”, which is totally what one says when they have a child with straight as a string hair and not much of that to even comb yet, but that is for another post) ( and I was hoping to get style points for complimenting the daughter's hair, but Casey says she can't be bought.)

Have you heard of Savonburg Kansas? Probably not, it is a pretty small place. Currently only 87 people live there. And they don't have a park or a playground or even a store. Actually the only profitable enterprise is the soda machine that sits outside the community building. BUT they have a library! And what a library it is, it is the best place to be on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday afternoons. You see they don't have much funding, but they try to be open for the kids. Robin runs the library and she is a total jewel. She always has coffee and hot drinks for the folks who stop by, music plays softly throughout the room and most importantly she has a smile and a kind word for all who pass through the doors. Robin has the magic, Robin shares the magic. If you choose me...I will share the computer equipment with Robin and the Savonburg Public Library.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Whew...back home!

We had a good thanksgiving weekend with family. But I am very glad that we came home a day early. Just nice to see everyone, but also glad to get back home and rest before the week hits again.

We braved the crowds on Black Friday and it was actually fun to search out the bargains. I got all the gifts for my "adopt-a-child" kids and even wrapped those gifts last night and delivered them to the church today. I am feeling very good about volunteering for that program and the great deals I got in order to get those little kids some gifts they need and toys they want.

Sweet Pea has been struggling with sleeping again. For the past two nights refusing to get in her crib but managing to get some sleep in the big bed or my bed. I am not sure how much sleep I am getting and I know that Honey Bun is not sleeping much. I decided that the solution might be a toddler bed. And before I had even worked through this bright idea, I had the girls at the office listen to trading post on the radio and of course there was one listed this morning. So I called and bought it after work. It is little tikes princess bed--looks like a cottage and has a window that opens so you can stash your treasures in there. Very cute. But of course now I am having buyer's remorse. Not exactly sure why.

*I know I can sell it and make what I paid or more.
*It might work? she might sleep in it or it won't be any worse than it is now.
*We have a twin bed in the shed and I should have just thrown that mattress on the floor and had her sleep on that (but this princess bed is so much cuter)
*I am not ready to get rid of the crib yet, is she ready to be out of it? (when did my baby grow up?)
*Will this just make it easier for her to roam around at night? (it is not unusual for her to wake up and want a snack and after a few crackers and a drink she will be ready to get back in my bed and back to sleep)
*my big old bed is so high off the ground that it would be a big fall to tumble off of it and I don't want that.

Just not sure when to make the transition to this bed. Right now it is filling up the garage and needs a good cleaning. Thinking maybe the last week of the year, I am taking off work and that might be the best time to make it work. I will post a photo when the change happens so you can see my little princess in her "big" bed.

as promised

Our own personal boarder war this weekend. Again the crimson and blue won over the black and gold, but we all had fun watching.

Somebody got the bisquick box opened and made a huge mess in the kitchen.
Here is the shopping cart with baby and her purse. She is very into pushing baby around.